I love to surround myself with those who inspire me, and Tereza and Lubos are two such people.
In 2019, Tereza and Lubos hiked the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). The over 4000 km long route starts at the United States-Mexico border, goes north through the states of California, Oregon, and Washington, and ends at the United States-Canada border by the province of British Columbia, Canada.

The couple has fallen in love with hiking so much that they are on another big adventure right now – the Continental Divide Trail (CDT). Similar to the PCT, the CDT hike also takes them from the United States-Mexico border up to the United States-Canada border, this time through New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. Almost 5000km of challenging wilderness.
Tereza and Lubos set off on the CDT on April 16, 2022, and you can click here to see how far they have gone so far!

Throughout this current CDT hike, they are raising money for Spinal Cord Injury in British Columbia, and I am honoured to be able to help their cause by designing some of their stickers and enamel mugs – available here.
Before Tereza and Lubos set off on their CDT journey, I had the chance to ask them a few questions.
Back when I heard about the Pacific Crest Trail, I imagined hiking all day surrounded by stunning views, being accompanied by like-minded people, and having no worries – the ideal life for outdoorsy people. But the PCT is also about huge challenges, coping with exhaustion, being wet, cold and in pain all the time.

What was the most valuable lesson you learned on the PCT?
Tereza & Lubos: That we need very little for living. Moving your body in the fresh air has a healing impact on your body and soul, and the vital skill in a relationship is communication. PCT taught us to appreciate the little things in our lives, and never take anything for granted. I think we live a simpler life since PCT and we’re happier this way.

How is this current CDT trail different from the PCT?
Tereza & Lubos: PCT and CDT are both long-distance trails which go through the United States between the borders of Mexico and Canada, but CDT is a bit longer and is not a 100% finished trail. It also isn’t as popular as PCT. What is the real difference? We will know at the end :)
Was planning for the CDT different from the PCT?
Tereza & Lubos: The planning was very similar. The biggest stress was that we had to move out of our home before the trip. Otherwise, we usually don’t plan too much ahead – we wait for things to evolve over time and then react to the situation.
This time we really thought about the weight of our equipment. Unfortunately, a lighter weight on our shoulders means having a lighter bank account as well (because lightweight equipment is expensive), but we believe it was a good decision that we will appreciate later on.
Overall, the planning was easier this time, because we know what to expect from PCT.

What are you looking forward to most on the trail?
Tereza & Lubos: We are looking forward to a peaceful, simple life without everyday problems. We are looking forward to the deep connection with nature, overcoming our limits, new friendships and adventures.
What are you looking forward to least on the trail?
Lubos: The first days before the body gets used to the backpack.
Tereza: I worry about the desert part. I’m not a fan of scorching heat and the idea of going through the desert without shade is unpleasant. Another thing I’m not looking forward to is how dirty and smelly we will be :D.

Why did you decide to support Spinal Cord Injury?
Tereza: I admire their work and their incredible positive impact on those who need them. I used to work as a care aid for Brad Jacobsen who had worked for Spinal Cord Injury and who sadly passed away last year. That’s why we decided to hike the CDT in memory of him and support something he dedicated a large part of his life to.
What is the best way to follow your adventure on the CDT?
If you want to support Tereza and Lubos’ goal and support Spinal Cord Injury BC, shop their stickers, mugs or other gifts that would make any outdoor soul happy.
Glad to see Mountain Mornings' mugs on such a big adventure:)